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Mango Tarte Tatin with Lime Caramel

Mango Tarte Tatin with Lime Caramel





For 1 tart to cut into 8 servings:

1 roll of puff pastry (pre-prepared or frozen)

150 g / 5 oz caster sugar (¾ cup)

60 g / 2 oz unsalted butter

1 lime

3 to 4 mangoes

30 ml / 2 tbsp coconut liqueur

Peel the mangoes and cut them lengthways to remove the stone and produce two thick slices. Spread out the caster sugar evenly in the base of the tatin dish and place on a medium heat (medium power on an induction hob). Leave to melt and caramelize until it forms a brown caramel. Stir several times during cooking to bring the sugar from the edges towards the center. Incorporate the butter gradually in small pieces, then leave to ‘boil’ until smooth. Add the finely grated lime zest and pour in the coconut liqueur. Still on a medium heat (medium power), allow to reduce to obtain a creamy caramel. Remove from the heat and arrange the mango slices tightly, rounded side down in the caramel. Place the puff pastry over the top and tuck in the edges. Place in a preheated oven and bake for approximately 50 minutes at 200°C (400°F, gas 6). Leave to rest for 5 to 10 minutes before turning out onto the platter. Handy tip: serve warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.